Sunday 26 April 2015

Toyota Vios Commercial Advertisement

This advert from Toyota is really stands out due to the fact it being different to all others ones created by other car brands. The way they have incorporated the text into the video as well as it being a video of the car being modern. As it shows in this modern day life of what features people are looking for in a car. Not only it being advertised by a famous music band I think it was a good way how they used the band for the commercial as it attracts younger audience and more develops interest to the car being advertised.

The way the text fits in with the whole video and how it leads on to another part of video is clever as it all fits in to the background design, each part of the video is well thought out as it incorporates both typography and visual stimulus which makes the car stand out.

Overall the advert from Toyota is unique and the actual deign aspect of it is something which I inspire to do with a few more tutorials on Adobe After Effects. 

Experiment on Kinetic Typography
Here is my Video using Adobe After Effects, experimenting on kinetic typography, However in the future I could add a background video with text on it like the toyota advert above.

Global-warmingill from Aadam Lambat on Vimeo.