Saturday 25 April 2015


From the lecture of Helvetica we watched a video on Helvetica by Gary Hustwit, which inspired me to use the font in my research work, as well as my design work. This type of font is simple and pleasing to the eye, as it is easy to read. There's not just one type of Helvetica font there are different kinds as shown. 

Helvetica is a widely used san serif typeface developed for over 50 years. This kind of font is so common that it is also found on road signs, directions and shop displays.


Helvetica Trailer

Here is the trailer of the Helvetica Movie which I found really interesting, as it gave me so many ideas on how a simple type could be used in such ways and many places.  As well as making it looks so effective and ergonomically efficient. Displaying this kind of font around the city is pleasing to the eye and gives and a good conduct of the city.
"The real achievement of the film is the way it sharpens your eye in general and makes connections between form and content, and between art and life." — Chicago Tribune