Thursday 6 November 2014

Newspaper Story

Nancy’s Oatcake on the Run

The oven was set at 200C, whilst I was prepared by the famous Nancy who added the most special oats into the ingredients, which is different to any other oatcakes made. I was spread out in a shape of a person with a round head, 2 arms and 2 legs, laid out on a lining baking tray. I was baked for 15 minutes and shook occasionally and I was ready when I was fully toasted. When I came out I was nicely tanned and perfectly crispy, so delicious and scrumptious to eat. I opened my eyes and so the world coming to a view.

Nancy wanted to serve this special oatcake to talented singer Robbie Williams, as he loved oatcakes. As she laid me on a wired baking tray, the TV was on, which I saw this beautiful foxy person named as, Selena Gomez. I was so mesmerized that I wanted to be eaten by her and only her. As I was a unique oatcake and so scrumptious to eat, know one would deny eating me.

As the day went by, I found out tomorrow Robbie Williams was coming to get me in the morning, so I had to do something to get out. So that night the window was left open, which I snuck out from, when Nancy was asleep. I ran away from Nancy’s house and on the journey to find amazing Selena.

I took rest at the side of a hotel, as I had a big day coming ahead. So that morning I woke up to a poster across the street which, in big writing spelt Selena. So I quickly ran across to find out what it was about. It said, “The Amazing Selena Performing Live at the Wembley Stadium”. I was excited on going down and following the signs to this place, so she could eat me.

That morning Nancy found out that the oatcake was not there, so she panicked and did not know what to do. Robbie Williams came down and Nancy told him the situation of what has happened. Robbie Williams got angry and sent out people to find the Oatcake and bring it to him. He sent the speedy Jenson Button and the Ugly Jessica Chaistan, to find me.

So I went on my journey down the road in the gloomy and windy weather, to find the person I want to get eaten by. I followed signs to where the Wembley Stadium is. On my way I came to some woods, which would is a shortcut to the stadium. It was dark, scary and a rusty place to be. I heard a noise whilst I was walking through, “creek, creek”. I started jogging as I got scared, which then I saw a tall ugly figure, who chased after me. I ran as quick as I could, which then Jessica could not catch me. Whilst I got away from her I sang, “Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me. I'm the oatcake man!"

As I gladly got away from Jessica and away from the forest, I got tired so I took a rest on the side of a building. After few hours of good rest I woke up to lovely weather shining bright and everything was in a happy mood. As I stretched out and looked across the road I saw big, beautiful building which spelt The Wembley Stadium in big writing.  

As I was going to this place I had to cross double sided long road which, had so much traffic and a lot of cars going past. So to get to the other side I had to dodge the traffic as fast as I could and not get crushed.

I ran across the first part as quickly as possible, by rolling and dodging all the cars coming my way. At the half way point I did the same, however near to the end there was speedy car that came flying at me which nearly crushed me into me pieces as I jumped out of the way. I looked who it was, as he came out the cool and extravagant car, it as the bad Jenson Button.

I ran as quick as I could and ran towards the stadium, he chased after me and kept up with me and getting closer and closer every second of the way. We entered the stadium and there was loads of people, I could get away as I was small and could go through peoples legs and round the easily. The big cue of people and the guards could stop Jenson from getting in, which gave me more time of finding Selena.

I finally came to the backstage of the stadium where I could find her, but she wasn’t there. I could hear her voice from a range and followed were it was coming from. As I went out I saw huge field, where I could see the amazing Selena. I saw Jenson coming from a distanced, which then I ran down the stairs. I ran s quick as I could, but tripped over a step and got hurt.  Had a crack on m right leg, but kept and going. Jenson was gaining on me as we entered the field. i got closer and closer to Selena and Jenson was getting closer and closer to me.

I was few seconds away from reaching to Selena, but Jenson got me into his hands and snatched me away. A tear came down my cheek which, I reached out for her. She saw me and looked straight at me. She came towards me and stopped Jenson. She took me away as she felt happy and warm inside. She held me in her hands and put me away in her purse, as Jenson walked away.