Thursday 6 November 2014

City In Flux Essay

City in Flux Essay


How can modernism and ideas of unified visual language help us think about the city in flux? We start from seeing how the city has developed form the past as to it is now. From research I have seen that the cities have vastly improved how it was in the 19th century as to it is now. In the early 19th century there buildings that had no colour to it and made out of old decaying bricks, as on the other hand in the 21st century we are developing cities everyday with new materials and in a concept way. City in Flux examines new modes of informal urban inventions in public spaces that has emerged to it is now. So I will be talking about how the art movement modernism has influenced the city in flux, as well as the visual language aspects of the cities. Also I will research how unified visual language was shown in the 19th century compared to the modern days. This will show a good research understanding on how the people lived in the city from the past to now.

Modernism 1900-1930
Modernist architects and designers rejected the old style of designing based on natural forms and materials. They believed in new technology, merchandised industry and modern materials that symbolised the 21st century. Modernist principles spread with one of architecture were the Bauhuas(house for building) located in Germany. This resulted in high rise block, flats and buildings. The central teaching at the Bauhaus was a range of productive workshops where students were encouraged to be multi disciplined and trained to work with industry.
The style for modernism is that form follows function which means the principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose.
Modernism is a movement modifying traditional beliefs in accordance to modern ideas starting in the 19th century to now. Modernism was the development of modern industrial societies and the rapid growth of cities, followed then by the horror of World War I. Modernism continued to evolve during the 1930s and still developing in the 21st century to a more futuristic and concept design.

Visual Language
Visual Language is a type of communication using visual elements and by looking at an image or sign it gives you messages of what that image or sign is about. The visual arts have their own visual language and artists think this by using feelings. As for musicians they see visual language by hearing sounds and rhythm in the city. Visual language includes lines, shapes, colour, light and dark. By combining these elements the artist says it has a style.
Early modernist created new techniques which unified text and form by combining visual elements. Futurism had a breakthrough in these techniques, which made it into a single message (Nagati & Stryker, 2013). The city has many ways of visual language as time went by the people had a deeper and more understanding of the city due to the modernistic designs and architecture of city in flux. This can be done by looking at the typography views of the city, as well as the rich and poor point of sides of how they portray visual language in their views. Furthermore I would be writing about the ways how the city is mapped out for people due to signage in the city, for easy navigation, this type is way finding. On the other hand how people navigate using map plan and how I could compare these two ways of navigating round the city.

Main Body

Modernism has had a massive impact on cities in flux as now the whole cities are turning into a modern design and art. As everything like advertisements, architecture, people and the whole style is changing a modernistic view, which we turn to visual language, as in the modern days the message from the city is much more vastly than it was in the past. People who travel around the city they see signs and messages around to guide them. Also sound is a type of visual language as it would give you messages of e.g. when to stop if a car is going past and when to go if there is crossing. As modernistic designs have been provided for today it is easier to get around the city by using the term visual language.
My main idea for the city is to look at the typography in the city and how it would portray to people. There are many ways that typography has been distributed and displayed in the city, some evidence has been shown images around the city, as well as posters, flyers, billboards, signage and much more. This is all typographic evidence of the city for the viewers to see and get information of what can be seen in the modernistic ways of the city and how it has been designed for eye catching purposes.
There is also the pathology of the rich and poor in the city, how it’s modernistic and new on the rich side, as it is old and decaying on the poor side. The visual language of both of these sides is differentiated vastly, as it is clearer and more understanding in the rich parts of the city. It portrays a clearer image and what the message is saying. A for the poor side the typography gives a deeper message than the rich but more unclear, as you need to look deeper into the image. There is more hand drawn graffiti and painted by humanity on the poor side than the rich side, which is most done by technology and high resolution cameras.
Way finding and navigation are two different types of how people find their way and navigate around the city using different types of ways. Way finding is getting around the city using signs and routes, like the city has been mapped out for you on where to go in order to reach your destination. The city has been designed in order for your help to get you around the city, this was done by using typography which is, easy to read font for the people travelling and the tourists. The idea of norms provides an understanding social influence in general and agreement in particular. Social norms are the accepted standards of behaviour of social groups. So in the city people have different behaviours on what they see, as not all people would react to the same as others. For e.g. a light and bright image would stand out to people as, some would appeal to the image as some would not due to the fact of being too bright or dislike bright images. So this way a person would react differently on what the sign is saying to them, also by using this way it is like taking risks as u don’t plan beforehand. As you would be going out without actually knowing where to go before you set off.
Navigation is another way of how people get around the city; this is done by planning out where to go using equipment like a map, atlases or a navigation system. Everything is routed and a map-plan is made beforehand, so they are prepared and know where to go and which route to take. It’s like an adventure as you trying to find your destination using a map or other utensils (city of dreams and desires). The map, atlas or other equipment will have to be up to date and easy to read, as then it would be harder to plan and know where to go. However, a disadvantage is misusing maps and navigation system as it would be vital to have good knowledge of social geography.


From my research and referring back to the question I have seen that modernism has a major impact and has been encouraged due to modern technology to go further. Furthermore the visual language of modern cities have a wider and greater message, as it as more different styles and different views of how the message is portrayed. This point is backed up by published books, 1“the very limits of modernism have been shifting and expanding, including an ever greater variety of registers, stylistic, forms and genres”. Modernism is growing and developing every day, in new and futuristic ways. As time progresses the visual language would also get clearer and more effective as it would be easier to understand and have a wider view to people.